Bits and Bytes

The memory capacity of a typical computer runs from hundreds of thousands to millions of bytes.

The terms bit and byte are common in computer networking. Both terms refer to digital data transmitted over a network connection. For example, bits and bytes both may represent network addresses or port numbers.

BIT is the basic unit of information, and it is a simple digit of a binary number.
In the computer BIT is physically a transitor in a memory cell, as high or low voltage pulse
Through a circuit.

The groups of bits form storage units inside the computer called BYTES

BYTE is the basic unit of storage, used in micros up to mainframe. Computers work with collections of 8 bits.

A BYTE has the equivalent of only one character, as in the letter “A”, the symbol “$” or a punctuation mark.


These abbreviations means:
KB = Kilobyte = about 1,000(one thousand) bytes,(1024 or 2^10)
MB = megabyte = about 1,000,000(one million) bytes,(1,048,576 or 2^20)
GB = gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 (one billion ) bytes (1,073,741,824 or 2^30)

As you can see, these abbreviations stand for a specific number of bytes. And each bytes. Holds 8 bits capable of forming 256 combinations of 1/10.

The number that comes before one of these abbreviations represents the computer’s memory capacity. For example, if a computer has 64MB of RAM  that means that the computer can handled 64,000,000(64 million) bytes of random acces memory (that´s 64,000,000 microscopic 8-bit panels).

Hard disk space is also measured in bytes. So, a 15GB hard drive has 15,000,000,000
(15 billion) bytes for storing memory.

Finally, bits can be used to code pictures. Therefore, tiny dots called  pixels have certain numbers of bits assigned to them. Pictures are formed by putting many pixels together.


The most elementary parts of computer are: the processor, the main memory, the keyboard, the speaker, the screen, the disk drive, the printer, usb port, external hard disk, webcam.

It carries out sequences of instructins or programs, stored in a sectionof the main memory of the computer.

It is the place where the computer stores programs when it is running them. The portion of main memory not occupied by currently running programs, is available for sotring information entered at the keyboard or other information entered at the keyboard or other information that information that the program is working on.

In computing, a keyboard is an input device, wich uses an arrangement of buttons or keys, to act as mechanical levers or electronics switches. A keyboard typically corresponds to a single written symbol. However, to produce some symbols requires pressing and holding several keys simultaneously or in sequence.

It is used for sound effects, for example a beep to indicate a successful start up or an unrecognized command. The speaker can also produce musical tones.

A computer monitor is an electronic device that shows pictures. A monitor is usually used to see programs on a computer. The main difference between a monitor and a television is that a monitor does not have a television if it is connected to a device that has a television tuner. Some models of monitor can be used as a television, and some televisions are used with computers.  A monitor has a better display resolution than a television to make it easier to see smaller letters and graphics on.

It is a peripheral device used to show the output of  a processed program in shape of letters, numbers or graphics printed on sheets of paper.

As webcam is a video capture device connected to a computer or computer network, often using a USB port. The most popular use is for video telephony, permitting a computer ti act as a videophone or video conferencing station. Other popular uses, which include the recording fo video files or even still-imaes, are accessible via numerous software programs, applications and devices.

The term “webcam” may also be used in its original sense of a video camera

US(Universal Serial Bus) is a specification to establish communication between devices and a host controller(usually personal computers). USB is intended to replace many varieties of serial and parallel ports. USB can connect computer peripherals such as  mice, keyboards, digital cameras, printers, personal media players , flash drives, and external hard drives.

An external hard disk drive is a type of hard disk drive widh is connected to a computer by a computer by a USB cable or other means.


If you want to connect to the internet, you need specific equipment such as  a computer with multimedia and special programs that are provided by a company.

Depending on what is available in your area, you can choose from two primary types of connections: Dial-up or Broadband.

The former is slow and the latest is faster, but for both you need to connect your computer to a modem using a phone line.

The fastest Dial-up connection transmit data at 56.6kbps (kilobits per second) wich os okay forn normal web surfing but is not fast enough for downloading music or videos.

Many providers give you hours or day or month for a set fee and if you exceed this number of hours you will pay extra hours

BroadBand Cable is connected in your normal cable television line providing speeds in the 500kbps to 30Mbps depending on the provider.

Broadband Satellite Any household or business with a clear line of sight to the southern sky can receive digital data signal from 1Mbps to 5Mbps.

The popular DIRECTV digital satellite system enables you to receive internet signal via small dish that you mount outside your house or on your roof.

Getting up a connection to an Internet Service Provider can be difficult. Find out if the provider offers customer support in the evenings and on weekends as well as during business time.

Web pages can be created to share information with people around the world and the providers let you publish and maintain web page for free.


The companies that give Online Service include daily news, stock quotes, weather reports, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.

The public spaces of internet are free of a censorship. Setting up a connection to an online service is easy because  the companies provide the costumer support for his question.

“Chatting” is a very popular feature on online services; people can get connected by simply typing back and forth, in order to meet people to exchange ideas. When  you chat, the text you type immediately appears on the screen of each person involved in the conversation.


A network is a group of computers linked together, that permits users to share not only software applications, but also hardware like printer, fax. There are two types of network.


A LAN connect network devices over a relatively short distance. A networked office building. School, or home usually contains a single LAN, through sometimes one building will contain a few small LANs and occasionally a LAN will span a group of nearby building.

In addition to operating in a limited space, LANs are also typically owned, controlled, and managed by a single person or organization.

WAN spans a large physical distance. The internet is the largest WAN, spanning the  earth. A network device called router connects LANs to WAN.

A WAN differs from a LAN  in several important ways. Most WANs (like the internet are not owned by any one organization but rather exist under collective or distributed ownership and management.


is an electronic visual display  that the user can control through simple or multi-touch gestures by touching the screen with one or more fingers. The user can use the touchscreen to react to what is displayed and to control how it is displayed (for example by zooming the text size).

The touchscreen enables the user to interact directly with what is displayed, rather than using a mouse, touchpad, or any other intermediate device (other than a stylus, which is optional for most modern touchscreens).

Touchscreens are common in devices such as game consoles, all-in-one computers, tablet computers, and smartphones. They can also be attached to computers or, as terminals, to networks.

Historically, the touchscreen sensor and its accompanying controller-based firmware have been made available by a wide array of after-market system integrators, and not by display, chip, or motherboard manufacturers. Display manufacturers and chip manufacturers worldwide have acknowledged the trend toward acceptance of touchscreens as a highly desirable user interface component and have begun to integrate touchscreens into the fundamental design of their products.

There are a variety of touchscreen technologies that have different methods of sensing touch.

A resistive touchscreen panel comprises several layers, the most important of which are two thin, transparent electrically-resistive layers separated by a thin space. These layers face each other with a thin gap between. The top screen (the screen that is touched) has a coating on the underside surface of the screen. Just beneath it is a similar resistive layer on top of its substrate. One layer has conductive connections along its sides, the other along top and bottom.

Surface acoustic wave (SAW) technology uses ultrasonic waves that pass over the touchscreen panel. When the panel is touched, a portion of the wave is absorbed. This change in the ultrasonic waves registers the position of the touch event and sends this information to the controlador for processing. Surface wave touchscreen panels can be damaged by outside elements. Contaminants on the surface can also interfere with the functionality of the touchscreen

A capacitive touchscreen panel consists of an insulator such as glass, coated with a transparent conductor such as indium tin oxide(ITO). As the human body is also an electrical conductor, touching the surface of the screen results in a distortion of the screen'selectrostatic field, measurable as a change in capacitance. Different technologies may be used to determine the location of the touch. The location is then sent to the controller for processing.

There are several principal ways to build a touchscreen. The key goals are to recognize one or more fingers touching a display, to interpret the command that this represents, and to communicate the command to the appropriate application.
In the most popular techniques, the capacitive or resistive approach, there are typically four layers:
Top polyester coated with a transparent metallic conductive coating on the bottom
Adhesive spacer
Glass layer coated with a transparent metallic conductive coating on the top
Adhesive layer on the backside of the glass for mounting.
When a user touches the surface, the system records the change in the electrical current that flows through the display


Teclado bluetooth enlazado a un computador de bolsillo.

Un auricular para teléfono móvil por Bluetooth.
Bluetooth es una especificación industrial para Redes Inalámbricas de Área Personal (WPAN) que posibilita la transmisión de voz y datos entre diferentes dispositivos mediante un enlace por radiofrecuencia en la banda ISM de los 2,4 GHz. Los principales objetivos que se pretenden conseguir con esta norma son:
Facilitar las comunicaciones entre equipos móviles y fijos.
Eliminar los cables y conectores entre éstos.
Ofrecer la posibilidad de crear pequeñas redes inalámbricas y facilitar la sincronización de datos entre equipos personales.
Los dispositivos que con mayor frecuencia utilizan esta tecnología pertenecen a sectores de las telecomunicaciones y la informática personal, como PDA, teléfonos móviles, computadoras portátiles, ordenadores personales, impresoras o cámaras digitales.

La especificación de Bluetooth define un canal de comunicación a un máximo 720 kbit/s (1 Mbit/s de capacidad bruta) con rango óptimo de 10 m (opcionalmente 100 m con repetidores).
Opera en la frecuencia de radio de 2,4 a 2,48 GHz con amplio espectro y saltos de frecuencia con posibilidad de transmitir en Full Duplex con un máximo de 1600 saltos por segundo. Los saltos de frecuencia se dan entre un total de 79 frecuencias con intervalos de 1 MHz; esto permite dar seguridad y robustez.
La potencia de salida para transmitir a una distancia máxima de 10 metros es de 0 dBm (1 mW), mientras que la versión de largo alcance transmite entre 20 y 30 dBm (entre 100 mW y 1 W).
Para lograr alcanzar el objetivo de bajo consumo y bajo costo se ideó una solución que se puede implementar en un solo chip utilizando circuitos CMOS. De esta manera, se logró crear una solución de 9×9 mm y que consume aproximadamente 97% menos energía que un teléfono celular común.

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